When I heard about a Massachusetts photographer who was taking front porch photos to document the COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that life was being lived in quarantine, I loved the idea. My county was not yet in full lockdown, so I was still able to get out and about so I offered to take some shots of my friends and neighbors for fun. I could have never expected the idea to take off like it did and unfortunately before I could get to all the requesting neighborhoods we ended up in full lockdown for the foreseeable future. I asked for in return was a donation to the food pantry.
After a few days of driving all over the community and thirty-five families later, I was able to collect over $700 and multiple boxes of non-perishable food items for the food pantry at my church, Cornerstone Ministries. I am so grateful for all those that participated and made the donation possible. Take a look at these amazing families.